Monday, June 23, 2008

Wisdom of Goethe

What I have lately said of painting is equally true with respect
to poetry. It is only necessary for us to know what is really
excellent, and venture to give it expression; and that is saying
much in few words. (The Sorrows of Young Werther)

....and the man who, solely from regard to the opinion of others, and
without any wish or necessity of his own, toils after gold, honour,
or any other phantom, is no better than a fool.
(The Sorrows of Young Werther)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Oppenheimer on Einstein

The famous physicist Robert Oppenheimer speaks on Albert Einstein— the greatest physicist of the last century.His lecture on the works and life of Einstein can be found in The New York Review of Books.

Oppenheimer himself was also a colorful personality.He was a prodigy scientist as well as a great admirer of poetry.He was the first to explain the formation of space-time singularity in terms of General Relativity.He was instrumental in the development of A-Bomb—in fact he led the Manhattan Project at a mere 34 years of age.In his later life he was accused of conspiracy and confined in his house.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Reading Psychoanalysis

Nowadays I am becoming interested in psychology and psycho-analysis. As I believe that most of our mental problems are not by birth, rather they are diseases and can be healed by proper treatment.So I think studying psychology is important.

Knowledge of psychology is not essential only for psychologists, but as far as I know many other professionals(e.g. social scientists, historians, writers etc.) who find psychology as an essential tool.

At present I am trying to read Freud's Dream Psychology.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Return to computer science

During my early high school days I was very much enthusiastic in Computer.But near the end of the school I became interested in Physics and Mathematics.But in last few months I am becoming interested in Computer Science again.That is principally due to reading Chaitin's works.His home page is:

Chaitin's brand new idea Algorithmic Information Theory (AIT) is subtle! This introduces a way to measure the computational complexity of something. It is denoted as H(X); which means the bits of information to build something X.

His lecture on the debate of foundation of mathematics is clever but easy to understand.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Dangerous Knowledge

In this outstanding documentary Dangerous Knowledge David Malone features the works of four of the greatest mathematicians of the previous century.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Crisis in Newton's law of Gravitation

Newton's law of Gravitation was a very successful theory. It was tested by many people many times and it always proved true. But, it was not the final theory. It also has some faults and some of them were known to Newton.

At first many of Newton's contemporaries found the idea of attraction between two objects through empty space unintelligible. Newton provided an escape by imagining that gravitational attraction is caused by the exchange of some massless particle called graviton but he explained no further.

Another problem was number of stars in the universe. According to Newton the number of stars in the universe should be infinite because a finite number of stars would eventually collapse at some point due to gravitational attraction. Later Heinrich Olbers argued that infinite number of stars would make the night-sky so bright like day.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Vectors in Physics

As I am studying more Physics I am coming to realise that vectors play a very important role in Physics. It has revolutionized the study of Mechanics and later it came to far important use in Thermodynamics and Electromagnetism.

In mathematics vectors are also helpful to study complex numbers.

I think the very basis of vector is the triangle law and the idea of representing some quantities by lines drawn on plane.